Applications of Sonar Software Tools for Security and Defense
By: Arjuna Balasuriya, Charles River Analytics
Teledyne marine sensors provide data that is valuable for many defense and security missions, from navigation to mine countermeasures to maintenance. In this talk, we will highlight work that uses a variety of Teledyne sensors, including multibeam imaging sonars, multibeam profilers, and Doppler velocity logs. We have created software tools to leverage these sensors for a variety of tasks. Our sonar mosaicking tool combines imaging sonar data over time to build rich, detailed, and complete 3D pictures of the undersea environment. These mosaics have been used for hull inspection and ship wreck mapping. Our sonar multiview tool provides multiple means of viewing and interacting with georeferenced bathymetry data collected from a multibeam profiler, including a waterfall view, point cloud view, and map overlay. This tool allows detailed inspection of the seafloor for mission planning and site inspection. Our GPS-free navigation solution provides high-accuracy underwater navigation when coupled with the Teledyne RDI Workhorse Navigator DVL. Our patent pending process fuses multiple aiding sensors with velocity measurements to create a position estimate that is accurate to within .1% of distance traveled, enabling precise navigation even over mission-relevant distances of underwater traversal. We will discuss these tools and demonstrate their functionality and interfaces, to give a sample of some of the defense and security tasks enabled by Teledyne's sensors and Charles River Analytics' advanced software.